Declaração do estágio na Nero AG
Já postei aqui... mas falando novamente, sexta-feira (17 de Agosto de 2007) acaba o meu estágio na Nero AG. Sim, meus caros, aquela que faz programa pra gravar CD (porém, não é só isso não... hauhaUhaauhAUha)... hoje, meu chefe assinou esse documento que fiz como declaração de estágio.
Foi um tempo ótimo. Aprendi bastante e foi mais uma ótima experiência profissional. Ninguém da Nero fala português (somente uma pessoa que conheço lá...) e ninguém também já viu esse blog (eu acho)... mas mesmo assim queria deixar um abraço para todos as pessoas que me ajudaram nessa jornada.
Segue o documento:
Name: André Luiz Loureiro de Carvalho
Period: March 1, 2007 to August 31, 2007 (6 months)
Workload: 8 hours
Total Workload: 960 hours
Area of work: Project Management
The Undergraduate Student in Computer Science at the Federal University of Pernambuco, André Luiz Loureiro de Carvalho, attended to an intership program at the company Nero AG, in Karlsbad, Germany. It started on March 1, 2007 and lasted until August 31, 2007 (exactly 6 months). The workload was 8 hours per day, which in the end summed up 960 hours of internship.
During this timeframe the student worked within the Project Management Office, performing three main tasks as follows:
1. Market research and participation on the decision making process of a Project and Resource Management System:
During approximately 2 months, André Carvalho worked in the implantation process of a Project and Resource Management System at Nero AG. Such Software should provide an integrated project and resource management as well as a multi project management environment. Some subtasks performed were:
- Proposal and implementation of a specific methodology for the market research and decision making process on the software that best fitted to the company needs;
- At the beginning of the process, he interviewed employees from different departments and with different roles in order to gather and prioritize requirements;
- Used and pre tested many softwares from the market;
- Prepared and presented (in English) results of the market research to the decision making team;
- Analyzed a high number of softwares resulted from the market research;
- Prepared graphs and charts to improve visualization and comparison of results;
- Contacted many companies worldwide in order to request more details about their softwares;
- Invited and attended to software in-site presentations.
The whole process resulted in the decision on the Planta PPMS system, from Germany ( The system is currently installed, running and in the customization phase as Pilot Project at the company. It is planned to have the software running for the whole company on September 14, 2007, affecting all the company’s projects.
2. Development and maintenance of a handbook to new employees of the department.
He developed, in cooperation with other department member, a framework to manage a handbook for new Project Management Office employees using Ajax technology. The framework consists in two modules: manager module and visualization module. The manager module provides an interface to edit and add information to a XML file while the visualization modules simply shows the XML content in a navigable and friendly way.
Besides the framework, he was in charge of the handbook content. This task allowed him to explore the whole organization, researching, understanding and writing about important information regarding different departments. The content covers many specific aspect of the company, e.g., from specific department subjects to the company software development process. All that provided the student a good overview of how a successful and worldwide known software development company should be structured.
3. Project Manager Assistant:
During approximately 5 weeks, the student supported the manager of the biggest Nero AG’s project. I.e. he updated in a daily basis and watched closely the project final phase statistics. Besides that attended to innumerous meetings where important decisions were made and also performed some small tasks such as informally requesting effort estimation and informing other employees of the project status. All that led him to understand how IT projects should run and what are the main factors to be considered during a project statistic analysis.
Contact Information:
Nero AG
Address: Im Stöckmädle 13-15, D-76307, Karlsbad, Germany
Phone: +49 7248 928 0
Fax: +49 7248 928 449
Matthias Huber
Position: Director of Project Management Office
Phone: +49 7248 928 377
Um comentário:
Meu amor...
Eu só tenho que elogiar e parabenizar pelo seu desempenho e dedicação em seu estágio. Parabéns, dedé!
Eu sempre te digo e nunca vou cansar de dizer que me orgulho muuuuuuito de você!!!!!
agora páre de dizer que ninguém ver seu blog,pois eu num sou ninguém não e vejo muuuito!!!
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